Criminal Justice

Monday, Feb. 13, 2023
7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. EST

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Cleveland City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Cleveland in Ohio. In this meeting, residents may address council with public comments, and council typically introduces legislation and votes on legislation. Council does not typically discuss legislation in detail at this meeting; that happens in council’s committee meetings.

There are 17 elected Cleveland City Council members representing the 17 wards of the City of Cleveland. Each ward has approximately 25,000 residents. Council Members are elected to serve a four-year term. Council members serve two roles in their duties: to draft and enact legislation for the city of Cleveland and act as ombudspersons for their constituents. Attendees should observe COVID protocols, including social distancing and wearing a face mask.

Find meetings streamed online on TV20 at:

*The meetings are also streamed on YouTube:

For more information go to Cleveland City Council’s website:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Chau Tang

Resident describes efforts to train more people in CPR

Live reporting by Alicia Moreland

Council designates Sidaway Bridge a Cleveland landmark

Alicia Moreland @DDutchCreative
Good evening folks! I’ll be providing live-twitter coverage of tonight's @CleCityCouncil meeting for @cledocumenters . The fun starts at 7pm so stay tuned! 📜🧐👌


05:36 PM Feb 13, 2023 CST

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You can follow along with tonight's agenda here:…
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and watch Council proceedings on Cleveland City Council's YouTube channel:…
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The meeting was called to order a few minutes early. Roll was called. After the pledge of allegiance, public comment got started. My internet is spotty today, so I don't have video clips for you. But here are the highlights:
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A Ms. Morgan from Ward 11 spoke on jobs, services, and biblical outreach.
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Public commenter Timothy Sommerfelt, representing Gordon Square CPR , spoke about the importance of getting more people certified in CPR.
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Mr. Taylor, from Ward 4, asked for a street to be named in honor of Willy Glover, a local leader in his neighborhood.
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Eric Walker, from Ward 4, spoke about the abandoned Fulton school on E. 40th, which has been abandoned for over 12 years. Despite a 2021 ordinance stating the property is to be re-developed, no progress has been made, says Walker.
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A gentleman from Fairfax spoke about the Fairfax Recreation Center, and needed repairs, especially to the children's playground.
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A ward 4 resident spoke about traffic safety on Larchmere, on the border of Cleveland and Shaker. Trying to pull out onto Larchmere from side streets is dangerous, says commenter.
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That ended public comment. Communications and appointments were read.
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Special Resolutions, both of condolence and congratulations were read next. Stephanie Howse requested 3 names be added to the condolences. A moment of silence was observed for those who passed.
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1st Reading legislation:

Emergency ordinances referred: 210-2023 through 217-2023.
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Emergency ordinances read in full and passed (unanimously): 218-2023, 219-2023, 223-2023 though 226-2023
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Ordinances Referred: 220-2023
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Emergency Resolutions Read in Full and Adopted (passed unanimously):
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Okay. We're on to Second Reading Legislation.

Emergency Ordinances Passed: 1278-2022, 1279-2022, 33-2023. (passed unanimously)

Ordinances Passed: 114-2023, 116-2023. (passed unanimously)
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The legislative portion of the meeting ended. Several people were acknowledged including Nicole Ward and Antoine Crews of the Vanguards of Cleveland.

Council member Deborah Gray was acknowledged for traveling to NYC to address housing issues in Ward 4.
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The rest of the meeting, council members spoke on policing. Council members called out Police Director, Safety Director with grievances. Council president Griffin warned council to behave with decorum, professionalism .
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The meeting ended with Council singing happy birthday to Council President Blaine Griffin. Happy Birthday!!!🎂

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.
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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to

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Agency Information

Cleveland City Council

Cleveland City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Cleveland in Ohio. There are 17 elected Cleveland City Council members representing the 17 wards of the City of Cleveland. Each ward has approximately 25,000 residents. Council Members are elected to serve a four-year term. Council members serve two roles in their duties: to draft and enact legislation for the city of Cleveland and act as ombudsmen for their constituents.

Find meetings streamed at: *online on TV20 at:

*The meetings are also streamed on YouTube:


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