
Chicago, IL 60611 (Directions)

This is a remote meeting. To watch the live meeting proceedings, visit/refresh the MWRD Legistar meeting page at the scheduled meeting time. A link labeled “In Progress” will appear under the Video column for the corresponding meeting (though it may not be until at or a little after the scheduled start time).

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Rebecca Reid

Live reporting by Megann Horstead

Megann Horstead @MegannHorstead
This is Megann Horstead here. I plan on live-tweeting a special meeting of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. It all begins today at 1 p.m. For live coverage, follow @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

12:03 PM Nov 5, 2020 CST

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If you've haven't already, check out the meeting agenda. It will feature a presentation and potential consideration of the 2021 Executive Director's budget recommendations and related changes. mwrd.legistar.com/calendar.aspx
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If anyone would like to make a public comment during the meeting, please call 312-751-3299.
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If you would like to view the live stream of the meeting, go to mwrd.legistar.com/calendar.aspx. Once there, you need to click the "In Progress" link under the video column. The "In Progress" link will only be active when there is a meeting in session.
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At 1:05 p.m., the special meeting is called to order.
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A roll call is being taken to determine which officials are present for today's special session.
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A quorum has been achieved to allow the meeting to proceed.

Now, the board is reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
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Next up, is the public comments section of the meeting.

No one takes time to make remarks or ask questions.

Brian Perkovich, the executive director of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, is preparing to give the budget presentation.
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Perkovich is summarizing the highlights of the proposed budget for 2021. https://t.co/MfJdYah7VQ
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Perkovich speaks on financial health and how it is helping the MWRD to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. https://t.co/BhMt8cjeoE
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Here's a look at the MWRD's reserve claim fund balance over time: https://t.co/e2xLMN2ZsU
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Next up is John Murray, the district's director of maintenance and operations. He is highlighting some of the departmental line items. https://t.co/XXBmvl7OZW
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Murray gives the board a snapshot into what the MWRD has accomplished in 2020. Among the projects highlighted was a discharge valve actuator replacement for raw sewage pump #6. https://t.co/a8I5mMB7u5
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Murray said all the metrics on biosolids management improved in 2020 compared to the prior year. https://t.co/MzPgsdgWNI
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Murray speaks on the initiatives to be explored in the year to come. https://t.co/jIruyTIyZe
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Commissioner Debra Shore raises a series of questions after sitting in on the presentation delivered by Murray.

One of her questions sought to inquire of board consensus regarding if the MWRD could put a placeholder of $200,000 in the budget for renewable energy credits.
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Shore's previous question did not prompt any discussion during the meeting among the rest of the commissioners.
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Highlights from the construction fund were delivered to the board. Next up is the MWRD's engineering - corporate fund. The following is a snapshot of some of the accomplishments. https://t.co/wbftMWcdXa
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There's been a drop in permit activity as the COVID-19 pandemic has persisted, according to a presentation shown to the commissioners.
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Funding is being sought by the MWRD to help pay for 2021 initiatives. https://t.co/i4Nt262eY7
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Shore has some questions on storm water. She asked if the MWRD is keeping its tax levy the same, why is the appropriation for storm water initiatives less for 2021?

Catherine O'Connor, director of engineering for the MWRD, said the intent is to catch up & keep the levy stable.
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Next up is a presentation on the capital improvement bond fund. https://t.co/MiWlkkmT9U
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O'Connor takes time to review some of the 2020 accomplishments. https://t.co/b68GBHspQv
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O'Connor gives an update on 2021 initiatives. https://t.co/NvtrwfLZgi
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O'Connor begins presenting on the MWRD's stormwwater management fund. https://t.co/ja4wZXdNig
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In speaking on historical expenditures, O'Connor gives credit to several officials for going to the Illinois legislature in 2014 to seek bond authority. https://t.co/dpHe7lkHMr
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O'Connor said the MWRD acquired 90 flood-prone properties in Cook County in 2020.

"That is really sending a lifeline," she said.
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The MWRD's acquisition of 90 flood-prone properties is one example of all the accomplishments of 2020. Others include: 👇 https://t.co/j3Nzn2fQpk
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The MWRD has had its share of challenges in the era of COVID-19. https://t.co/KQmTbKjwTW
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Next up is a review of 2021 initiatives. https://t.co/NDxvizzYO3
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On a final note, O'Connor said the MWRD is planning to renew its focus with partner agencies to ensure that progress can continue.
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Shore has some additional questions. She and staff continue to go back and forth in discussion.

At one point, Shore said she would like a new program manager position added to the MWRD budget.
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Commissioner Kimberly Du Buclet asked if there's ever been a study of disproportionally impacted communities for racial equity.

O'Connor replied, saying they are studying those areas.

Currently, there are 0 shovel-ready projects in disproportionally impacted communities.
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O'Connor acknowledged that stormwater issues arise in every community.

Shore suggested the MWRD establish a working cash fund within the stormwater fund to support a major tree planting program when projects get delayed. She said there are a lot of benefits to having shade.
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Next up is a review of the MWRD's monitoring and research fund.

There is a proposed reduction of three positions. https://t.co/boKZUfLJd9
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2020 accomplishments are highlighted in a presentation to the board. Among the items noted are partnerships with Argonne National Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University. https://t.co/vsVw6m8uxV
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Other 2020 accomplishments in monitoring and research... https://t.co/VeCpOy7Cam
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Here are some of the 2021 initiatives highlighted during the special meeting. https://t.co/dc32kne8b6
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Other 2021 initiatives include ... https://t.co/rC4MQ7e4ai
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Next up is the finance department budget presented by Jacqueline Torres, the MWRD's director of finance. https://t.co/zZhpjD0OUl
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Torres spoke of the accomplishment made in the MWRD's department of finance. Here are some highlights 👇 https://t.co/MP6x3ZpGq1
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Torres makes mention of the various 2021 initiatives to be undertaken by MWRD and its finance department. https://t.co/libLrtlvTR
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Susan T. Morakalis, general counsel for the MWRD, is preparing to highlight the law department's 2021 budget proposal. https://t.co/4XPFHuOaxX
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The law department at MWRD had its share of accomplishments in 2020. https://t.co/w9B1szTS3E
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Morakalis said the MWRD was rather busy processing more than 300 Freedom of Information Act requests in 2020.
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Other accomplishments include: https://t.co/YvWOmqxlKk
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Next up is a budget presentation by Darlene A. LoCascio, the director of procurement and materials management for the MWRD. https://t.co/SOvCOCZS9h
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LoCascio is highlighting accomplishments made in 2020. https://t.co/3UpCXGEf1g
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The MWRD's general administration budget is being presented to the commission for review and potential consideration. https://t.co/jT7VMl8TZ0
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Here's a look at some of the 2020 accomplishments. https://t.co/FKdeEHNNPm
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Some of the 2021 initiatives... https://t.co/HvyKpYcrUc
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Shore asked if there will be a space usage/needs assessment conducted.

Currently, there is no funding budgeted to bring in a consultant to study the situation, officials said.
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Regina Berry, diversity administrator for the MWRD, highlights some of the accomplishments of the organization in terms of diversity and inclusion. https://t.co/Y1BcdK23HC
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Berry said PRISM will provide a host of data to help inform the MWRD and its efforts. https://t.co/4GWCvx95rq
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Some initiatives to expect in the year to come are ... https://t.co/lkJxT9Vezb
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President Kari K. Steele asked if there will be additional positions added to the general administration/diversity budget. She suggests it is needed given the added work that has been directed to the department.
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Currently, there are no plans to add any positions to the general administration/diversity department.
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Next up is presentation on what public affairs staff at the MWRD has accomplished over the past year.
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Some of the 2021 initiatives include: https://t.co/CbOR8jlJ6W
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Members of the commission intend to take a small break. The meeting will reconvene today at 4:06 p.m.
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It's 4:08 p.m., and the meeting is reconvening for a presentation on the MWRD's information technology department budget.
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Here's a snapshot of 2020 accomplishments... https://t.co/siqoExYQSQ
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The following is a list of the initiatives to be undertaken in 2021 by the MWRD's information technology department. https://t.co/IDDFhygCMY
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Next up is a presentation on the MWRD's Human Resources department. Beverly Sanders, director of human resources, said one position will be dropped if the department budget for 2021 is passed, as is. https://t.co/4rftlHdsnS
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Here's a look at what the human resources department at the MWRD has accomplished over the past year. https://t.co/Bw9ctBHyw1
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Shore questioned if the Human Resources department needs additional funding given the pandemic and potential impacts.

Sanders said staff is stretched with handling contact tracing, but the hope is the concern will be alleviated sometime in 2021.
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Here's a look at the proposed 2021 budget for the MWRD's Board of Commissioners. https://t.co/dF39f2cTYt
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Some of the accomplishments made in 2020 include: https://t.co/NX7JUgi0il
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Here's a look at what the MWRD Board of Commissioners hopes to accomplish in 2021. https://t.co/jqiIDmZBtN
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Next up is a review of the MWRD's retirement fund.
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Here's a look at the district's retirement obligations. https://t.co/cgCeSBabAw
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Steele gives thanks to the executive director and staff at the MWRD for their contributions to the budgeting process.
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Steele is directing members of the commission to email her in regards to the budget presentations delivered at today's meeting.
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Commissioner Cameron Davis has some remarks to share with the board. He starts by giving kudos to MWRD staff for their work in compiling the departmental budgets for 2021.
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Davis said he believes prioritizing green infrastructure will be key to addressing issues with Thornton Composite Reservoir. More details on this project can be found online here: mwrd.org/tunnel-and-res…
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Commissioner Marcelino Garcia speaks on how important it is to work with other groups on the issue of diversity.
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A motion to accept the MWRD's budget is moved and seconded.
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In a 9-0 vote, the MWRD's budget is approved.

A motion to adjourn the special meeting is motioned and seconded for approval; it's passed.
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At 5:24 p.m., the meeting adjourns.
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This concludes all the live coverage at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago's special meeting, brought to you by @CHIdocumenters. For more information, check out documenters.org. #CHIdocumenters

Agency Information

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

Created in 1889 as the Sanitary District of Chicago, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) today is a special-purpose district responsible for treating wastewater and providing stormwater management for residents and businesses in its service area, which encompasses 882.1 square miles and includes Chicago and 128 suburban communities throughout Cook County.

The MWRD serves approximately 10.35 million people each day, including 5.25 million residents of Chicago and 128 suburban communities. To learn more about the agency’s management structure and departments, click here.

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