Return to IndyGo Board - Budget 2025 introduced
Live reporting by Breone Dupree
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IndyGo Board of Trustees introduces the 2025 Budget.

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The live stream can be found here:……
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The board report for today's meeting can be found here:……
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Board members in attendance
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11:00 AM: Meeting Started
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There's a full quorum
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The meeting begins with awards and commendations
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Condolences to Operator Ronnie Brooks who began with IndyGo in 2011.
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Finance, service, and government & audit committee reports have even been entered into final record by Chairman Hahn
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Consent agenda passes unanimously
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Action item A-7 is being presented.
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Here's the presentation
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There were no questions or a vote after the presentation. Action Item A-10 is being presented now.
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A-10 Presentation
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Bart Brown is presenting the Finance Report at this time
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No questions on that report. We're starting A-2 which is the proposed budget ordinance
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Presentation and questions on the budget
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I-3 is being presented now.
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Action Item I-3 is IndyGo Foundation Update (Presenter – Emily Meaux)
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Presentation and questions video link will be shared. That video is too long for my free account to share.
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Hahn is giving his final remarks.
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11:49 AM: Meeting Adjourned
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Here's the link to the recording……