Live reporting by
Marvetta Rutherford
MagnificentMonday #Cleveland tuhday I'm covering Cleveland Board of Zoning Appeals for #cledocumenters @cledocumenters and @signalcleveland Starting soon!
08:29 AM Jul 29, 2024 CDT
Roll call and the start of the Meeting... Postponement/Withdrawals Is starting with the people being confused
Now the parties concerned are being sworn in... regarding this situation the council is present
This has been going on since 2022 according to the people in this Meeting
After much discussion about this, the board will be covering this in the month of August Postponement done Next
Some confusion about the whereabouts of the current topics.. Calling another case and another... living space addition
Swearing in the people who have an interest. Audio is poor The contractor is trying to testify on behalf of the property owner. Submission of a letter is requested after the Meeting. History is read on the property in Ward 1
The entire Meeting is being held in city hall today Chairperson Faith asked why the addition is being built.. The owner wants to age in her own home
This man wants a vendor licenseHe has been in business LaRhonda Talton Morris is testifying for the city This process is 5 years in the situation Mr Sisamis is undergoing this according to Talton Morris because of the disapproval of council @KerryMcCormack1
@KerryMcCormack1 This letter is hard to read. The Hot Dogs were sold for years near the @WestSideMarket People have been sent out to measure sidewalks and placement of the hot dog cart
@KerryMcCormack1 @WestSideMarket Council has denied without a reason according to Talton Morris. She cited an ordinance 241.26 c But didn't read it
@KerryMcCormack1 @WestSideMarket The last response from council was because of the existing restaurants in the area The Hot Dogs are supposed to be 100 ft from the structure The Board asked about hours of operation..
@KerryMcCormack1 @WestSideMarket Six days of the week this business owner has been operating
Further questions from the board about the legality of this situation. Several members who are not identified or shown are speaking.. Motion made to overrule this appeal.. Business owner spoke about the situation. This is the third year...
Talton Morris and she had contacted legal counsel and is waiting for an update on this matter.. He can sell Hot Dogs
There are also people online for this session of the zoning board
This home has been operating a Child Care facility It is approved for 12 children but currently only has 5
Operation hours are 6am to 6PM but can be 24 hours The owner lives in the house as well. She has partnered with the @salvationarmy and thelibrary
Questions from the board about days of operation and staff And other things Suggested to postpone so the owner can get things straightened out One month into September.
Parties are sworn in Board stated that the court reporter is online. Now the people are required to spell their names Their back is to camera There are several different people for this matter.
Waynenita Perryman is online on behalf of the LLC associated with this issue
The desire is to have a Veterans in the house. The issue is that there are other group homes in the area. The age would be 55+ Males There will be 24 hour supervision. There is no medical supervision There will be 3 meals and 2 snacks
Additional questions about community engagement This has not been done, no contact with council or cdc
Additional questions about the other places the Company operates. The picture shows the place intended there is a group home who's demographic is unknown Witnesses are concerned about relatives in the area and decreased property values
Another resident spoke about the previous situation with the address. A male spoke to his disapproval about the group home. He said that the neighbors look out for each other. Another man who lives next door spoke. He has no problem with Veterans.
His issues are if the company changes the demographic how would the people in the area be notified. He served in the service. His mother is 100 years old. Police response in the past has been frequent Another man who lives across the street spoke
His wife spoke about the fact that she grew up the house and after her mother died they live in the home. She contacted her neighbors. Many people had to work.
Another woman spoke to the project Her voice is broken with tears and is not audible until she spoke to the lack of vetting the people that would be in the home
Her house was shot up previously and councilman hasn't been in touch. She is sympathetic towards the veterans but doesn't support
Another woman said that the owner doesn't live in the city. Board asked LLC and their time owning the property. Perryman said the company has only been in possession since May. She is sympathetic to the feelings of the neighbors. But it is residential
More discussion about the usage of the property and how it can be used... No was the answer
Perryman said she was not aware of the buffering of the city.. More discussion about this issue
Fair housing issues prohibit dictating the population of the home according to the legal department.
Last transfer of the property was in 2019 The LLC is leasing it for the operation of a group home City planning spoke about cases of this situation. Ariel Washington spoke online that a Meeting with the council and the rest of the people in the area is vital
Washington asked for a postponement until that is done! Motion made to deny and passed...
The owner wants to construct a new three family structure This is not the first time that this has been before the board. Parties are sworn in
The owner is not present, his father is on his behalf This is a vacant lot
More discussion about the parking situation Again the audio is poor unfortunately They are seeking an area variance
Discussion about the code and the item on the list pertaining to an apartment complex
More discussion.... New member is appointed Marcus Madison Vacation talk.... At this point, the Meeting is adjourned!
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to Or email us at Until the next time....