Return to [remote or in person] City Council
Live reporting by RODNEY GIPSON
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Issue with right to protest was a main concern as DNC nears and permits are being denied or prohibited and also not allowed within certain distance from the convention center

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@CHIdocumenters The meeting is scheduled for 10 AM but has not started as of yet.
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Council members have been asked to log into their devices. Meeting should be starting soon.
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The meeting has started at 10:13 AM
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The voting devices are now open.
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Standing for Pledge of Allegiance after roll call.
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Discussion on the effectiveness of Shot Spotter. General consensus is that Shot Spotter is not very effective.
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Council chairman reminded members to keep their comments respectful in consideration of the audience.
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Dustin Spence protesting for the city's support for the DNC in August.
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Speaker recognizing Haitian Born DuSable and Dusable Park as an icon for equality.
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Speaker, Jackie Brown, comments that Chicago should be a non-sanctuary city.
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Public comment period has ended.
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Alderman Patt Dowell recognizes the graduation of Dr. Dorothy Tillman, II. Received doctorate in integrated behavioral health.
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Alderman Janette Taylor, on the importance of young students being able to articulate what their community means to them.
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Alderman Pat Dowell recognizes the Public Allies program for young adults. The program prepares young adults for leadership.
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Ald. Pat Dowell recognizes Older Americans Month.
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Polished Pebbles youth organization has been recognized and acknowledged.
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Speakers comment on the importance of Jewish American Heritage month.
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Alderman Maria Hadden rises in support of Jewish American Heritage Month resolution.
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Chair recognizes Aldm. Knudsen thanks Aldm Silversteen on her commentary on Jewish American Heritage Month.
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Chair recognizes Aldm. David Moore who stands in support of Jewish American Heritage Month.
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There is a lot to cover in this meeting. I highly recommend viewing the recap on Facebook or .
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Comments and recognition of Haitian American Heritage Month. The Haitian people have persevered despite what the US has done to their country and people.
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Ald. David Moore speaks on Haitian American Heritage Month.
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Several aldermen acknowledge support for Haitian American Heritage Month and the importance of the resolution.
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Ald. Yancy will close by presenting the resolution in support of Haitian American Heritage month.
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Mayor Johnson announces the passing of the Haitian American Heritage Month Resolution.
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Acknowledgement of Asian American Heritage Month resolution.
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Asian American Heritage Month resolution.
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Alderman Maria Hadfen in support of the Asian American Heritage Month resolution.
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Council members Haden and Moore in support of Asian American Heritage Month Resolution.
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One of my takeaways from today's city council meeting. I already knew this but immigrants make our country better. Period!
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The Asian American, Pacific Islander resolution has been approved.
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Recogniztion of remembrance of Raydll Lacy.
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Mayor Johnson motions to return to regular order of business.
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Link to today's Finance resolutions: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ ……
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The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM, May 22nd.