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Public commenters ask council members to save Cudell Park

Good evening Cleveland and beyond! I will be live tweeting the Cleveland City Council meeting starting at 7:00 - #CLEDocumenters @signalcleveland @cledocumenters
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05:59 PM May 20, 2024 CDT

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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Learn more about City Council, council members, and committees. Also, obtain a copy of the meeting agenda here -…
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Here we go - public comment up first with Gregory Johnson (Ward 15) who states he's a community activist and fulfilled a request to open a United Nations Chapter in Cleveland and request participation from Council members.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Steven who speaks on being banned for life from the Galleria Erie Tower YMCA Complex nine years ago after being wrongly accused of a crime.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Sabrina Otis who speaks on the mayor's comments on safety and the safety advisor - Otis would like city council to do something about speeding in Cleveland (i.e. speaking to commanders to write tickets).
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Juan representing the Libertarian Party of Cleveland who speaks on Cleveland's firework legislation which are toxic and cause trauma, lack of testing for lead, and dangers of balloon releases.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Celina speaking on Cudell Park land dispute - that parks are just as important as trees and everyone needs to have access to parks near homes and school.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Diamond B. from East Cleveland who speaks on her 19 year old brother being killed in 2021 by the police, she has PTSD, and she wishes we can come together on gun violence.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Brent Eisenbach who speaks on saving Cudell Park -
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Read more about building a new school in place of Cudell Park here -…
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters That's it for public comment, next is Communications then Condolence resolutions.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next First Reading of Emergency Ordinances: 577-2024 regarding allowing and accepting improvements to four tennis courts at Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center, as a gift to the City.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 578-2024 re: providing services to immigrants, refugees, international students, and new citizens of Cleveland, for a period of one year
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 578-2024 re: providing services to immigrants, refugees, international students, and new citizens of Cleveland, for a period of one year.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 580-2024 re: providing financial assistance to projects providing housing in the City of Cleveland; 581-2024 re: funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the preliminary study of the Lakefront Pedestrian Bridge.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 594-2024 re: determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing safety improvements on Lee Road, Lorain Avenue and East 93rd Street and through quick-build demonstration projects on Kinsman Road, Superior Avenue and Denison Avenue.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 595-2024 re: entering contracts w/Clutch Consulting Group, the Cleveland Mediation Center, and various non-profit organizations for the purpose of developing and implementing direct-to-housing encampment resolution practices to eliminate unsheltered homelessness in the City.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is suspension of the rules and the EO just read and the legislation be placed on final passage; followed by Emergency Ordinance 588-2024 referred for passage.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Emergency Resolution 596-2024 read in full and adopted reg: Objecting to the transfer of ownership of a C2 and C2X Liquor Permit to 11543-45 Mt. Carmel Avenue, lower level.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Emergency Resolution 596-2024 read in full and adopted re: Objecting to the transfer of ownership of a C2 and C2X Liquor Permit to 11543-45 Mt. Carmel Avenue, lower level.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next is Second Reading of Emergency Ordinances Passed - EO 369-2024 re: accepting funding from the United States Treasury Department for purposes of implementing the Emergency Rental Assistance Program established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 370-2024 re: authorizing the Director of Community Development to be a co-applicant and co-Grantee with Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority which will allow CMHA to accept HUD funding to implement the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 545-2024 re: allocating a portion of the City’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for the agreements with Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County, dba Starting Point, to assist with the Early Childhood Recovery Initiative.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters EO 525-2024 re: professional services necessary to develop and implement young adult violence intervention and prevention programs and strategies to reduce violent activity on streets in high “hot spot” areas, and for other community violence intervention work.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, reading of the motion to suspend the rules and the legislation just read be placed on final passage w/ McCormack on recusal of EO 407-2024. 1
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters 16 council members present and EO 407-2024 passed with 15 yeas and 1 recusal, EO 533-2024 passed with 14 yeas and 2 nays, and all other EOs passed with 16 yeas.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Michael Polenski (Ward 8) speaks to the viewing public that City Council does not deliver city services but provides funding.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Joseph Jones (Ward 1) speaks on Cleveland is in a rebuilding process and improving safety in the city of Cleveland requires a different plan from the past.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, the Clerk excuses the absence of council member Jasmin Santana (Ward 14). The meeting is adjourned.
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send inquiries on the meeting or tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at DEUCES!